Kranjska gora Kranjska gora


60th Golden Fox is Here!

( 05. 01. 2024 )
Magical winter atmosphere, cheering spirit, waving Slovenian flags, and an unforgettable party – that's the 60th anniversary of the Golden Fox

Home in Slovenia!

Magical winter atmosphere, cheering spirit, fluttering Slovenian flags, and an unforgettable party – that's the 60th anniversary of the Golden Fox, which will take place between January 6th and 7th in Kranjska Gora. The celebration of women's skiing will also be accompanied by a grand party under the Podkoren slope with Magnifico and the Čuki group, while the Mambo Kings will provide entertainment in Kranjska Gora. The Ski Association of Slovenia organizes the competition with the desire and purpose of keeping these important Women's Alpine Skiing World Cup races in Slovenia. The Golden Fox remains at home, in Slovenia.


Tomaž Šušteršič, the general secretary of the 60th Golden Fox, emphasizes that there was very little time for preparation: "In practically four months, we managed to organize everything. I would like to thank Janez Slivnik and assistant Boštjan Anderlič, as well as the entire team behind it. They ensured that the jubilee Golden Fox took place as it should. We hope to bring the competition back to the paths of its old glory with full stands of fans cheering on the competitors."


Everything is ready – 3, 2, 1, see you in Kranjska Gora.


The condition of the racecourse in Podkoren in Kranjska Gora, where the Golden Fox will take place for the fifth consecutive time, was inspected by representatives of the International Ski Federation (FIS) just before the new year, and they gave the green light to the organizers. Jani Hladnik, FIS snow controller, praised their hard work despite the less-than-ideal conditions for preparing the snow surface.

Janez Slivnik, course preparation manager, said: "I spent a tremendous amount of hours in the snow groomer. I must thank all the groomer operators and other workers who did everything possible. We don't have excess snow, and we've used every flake we have to prepare the course for the races. At the beginning of the preparation, it looked like we were embarking on a mission impossible, but now all that is forgotten, and the course is ready."


Ana Bucik, Neja Dvornik, Andreja Slokar and Nika Tomšič, photo: OC Golden Fox

At the start, four Slovenian women as well

Slovenian alpine skiers have the most crucial weekend of the season ahead of them – in Kranjska Gora, in front of their home fans, they will face giant slalom and slalom. Competing will be Andreja Slokar, Ana Bucik, Neja Dvornik, and Nika Tomšič. They are all very excited to be able to perform at home. Ana Bucik, at the presentation of the Slovenian women's alpine ski team, said that the race in Kranjska Gora is one of the ones she is looking forward to the most, as she has competed well here several times.


Not only sports but also entertainment

On Saturday, January 6th, between the first and second run, a musician whose music paints a world without borders will perform live, providing the audience with a unique experience. Magnifico will ignite the fans with hits like Silvija, Hir ai kam, Hir ai go, Tivoli, and many others, eagerly anticipating the second run.

The relaxed atmosphere will continue in Kranjska Gora as, in the evening at 7:30, the party will continue with the Mambo Kings group. Before that, there will be the award ceremony for the top foxes of Saturday's giant slalom race and the drawing of starting numbers for Sunday's slalom race.

On Sunday, January 7th, the popular Čuki group will take care of the cheering atmosphere, inspiring with their music for over thirty years. We'll put on our ski boots, dance the ski-boot dance, then go a bit forward and a bit back between the two runs of our golden foxes.

Both days will also feature the presence of skiing legends, the Retro band CIK CAK.

Course for Golden Fox Trophy photo: OC Golden Fox

With us, the Great Ladies of the Golden Fox

Under the Podkoren slope, our great ladies who have triumphed at home will be cheering for the foxes on the course: Tina Maze, Mateja Svet, and Nataša Bokal. Urška Hrovat will greet the visitors with a video message. The celebration of women's skiing has always been an essential part of Slovenian culture, so it is crucial that the competition for the Golden Fox takes place at home, in Slovenia. Our formidable Slovenian women have proven that excellent results at the Golden Fox are achievable, whether in Maribor or Kranjska Gora, where the Golden Fox has often been hosted.


Program of the 60th Golden Fox


09:30 Start of the 1st run GS

12:30 Start of the 2nd run GS

SUNDAY, January 7, 2024, PODKOREN – SLALOM

09:30 Start of the 1st run SL

12:30 Start of the 2nd run SL


First Slovenian Golden Fox winner — Mateja Svet (middle) foto: BOBO

Visitor Information

The organizers of the traditional event Golden Fox in Podkoren have arranged free buses for visitors to transport them to the venue and back.

Buses will operate on Saturday, January 6th, and January 7th, from the Kranjska Gora Bus Station to the Podkoren Bus Station approximately every 20 minutes between 8:00 and 10:30. In case of vehicle redirection from Kranjska Gora to the Ledine/Rateče parking lot, bus transportation will be arranged to the Podkoren Bus Station. The path from the Podkoren Bus Station to the venue is undemanding and short, covering approximately 350 meters.

Bus transportation from the venue (Podkoren Bus Station) will be organized 15 minutes after the announcement of the results. Buses will run for one hour to the Kranjska Gora Bus Station or to the Ledine/Rateče parking lot.


Ticket Purchase

Tickets are available online and at all Eventim sales points. Children up to the age of six have free entry every day.


Special Benefits

Residents of the village Podkoren are informed that, upon presenting their ID card at the ticket office, they can receive a free invitation to watch the Saturday and Sunday World Cup alpine skiing races for the 60th Golden Fox.

Members of the SLOSKI Club can attend the Golden Fox races in Kranjska Gora on January 6th and 7th, 2024, for free! Free entry to the event is provided at all visitor entry points, where you demonstrate your membership with a valid SLOSKI Club card (active members) or a valid QR code (supporting members).

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