Kranjska gora Kranjska gora


Anna Fenninger wins

( 21. 02. 2015 )
The Austrian won the race on the last pitch - the German repeats her success from Colorado - Tina following her mum's path

Skiing as the leading racer from the first run, the course proved to be like freshly prepared. Due to the excellently organised event and 18.000 spectators cheering like crazy, the GS battle was a tough one.

The first to announce a strike for the victory was Tina Weirather. Probably following her mum's, Hanni Wenzel's, advice, who won three races on the Pohorje hill. Afterwards, the German Viktoria Rebensburg required her revenge from Colorado. She clocked the fastest timing on the second course, however she wasn't fast enough to beat Anna Fenninger. In the upper part the Austrian was delayed, but approaching the finish slope with 18.000 cheering spectators, she collected enough strength to take the lead by mere -0.04, but it was enough for a celebration. The only Slovenian performing in the 2nd run, Ana Drev skied courageously and well, but only till the steepest part, where she ended up in snow.

Despite the absence of Tina Maze performing in the second run, it was one of the most impressive events in the long history of the Golden Fox.

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